Listen to yourself and your body

Guest pen Ellinoora Huotari, floorball player (Koovee, F-league)
Cooperation with Cool-X
The saying goes that an athlete does not see a healthy day. That's exactly how I feel. During my overwork, my mind and body have communicated in many ways that I should slow down and stop. Now I will tell you a little more about my symptoms on a mental and physical level.
Overfit often has many causes. I personally believe that in my case the load has started many years ago. However, due to the hard season and personal life, the worst symptoms only started then in the spring of 2019. Through introspection, I have also discovered a lot of burdensome factors in myself as a person, which also affect how I cope physically. Taking these things into account and realizing them in everyday life requires work inside your own head and often help from other people. I feel that self-criticism is one strong factor that has only increased my own burden
Sports involve injuries. A lot of ankles and knees are sprained in floor bandy. My knees have remained relatively intact, and nothing major physical has happened anyway. During the overtime, however, it felt like somewhere was hurting all the time. There were also difficult conditions in the wrist, buttocks and ankles at times. The effect of overtraining on the nervous system was great for me. My nervous system was overexcited, which caused my legs to not feel normal during sports. My ankles were spinning and I fell quite a lot even in strange situations. The overdrives of the nervous system often continued all night after sledding and games, which kept vigil at night. Restless legs were a problem for quite a long time. At the moment, the situation has calmed down. Sometimes the legs are really tired and there is a little restlessness in the evenings. I was able to use Cool-X herbal cream , which I have found soothes my feet before going to bed. The product is very suitable for restless and tired legs, as it increases blood circulation and reduces swelling. Cool-X products should also be used as a preventive measure, for example to prevent cramps. In addition to the herbal cream, I also use gels and magnesium spray .
In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms, in my case, the overfit has been accompanied by sweating, fatigue, stomach symptoms, soreness, susceptibility to infection and various pains. It is not possible to know exactly whether the symptoms are due to overtraining or the traces left by mycoplasma, but on the other hand, I often put them in the same package. In the past I have talked about fatigue and its physical, social and mental forms. In addition to fatigue, I have told about the emotional side of things. The emotions are more on the surface, probably because of fatigue, but also because you are worried about yourself and don't feel that you are in good shape. This in turn produces disappointment and self-critical thinking, which is difficult to get rid of due to fatigue. I want to say to the emotional side of things, remember to talk about things and your feelings. Dare to say what you feel and how bad you feel.
You can find more Cool-X products on the website:
Remember to enjoy, have a wonderful week! :)
Ellinoora Huotari