Easy butt workout at home

It is worth strengthening the buttocks for other reasons than because of its plump shape. Weak gluteal muscles can cause posture problems and backaches. The important thing is to learn to recognize how it feels when the glutes are activated. So, take your thoughts into training!
A five-movement home workout for the buttocks is presented below. You can even do the workout on top of a walk; when walking, you first warm up your muscles. You can do the workout, for example, in a fitness circuit by doing each movement for 30 seconds and doing laps according to your fitness level. A break of a couple of minutes between rounds.
1. Sumo squat
Open your legs to a wide crotch and squat down. Make sure your knees and feet are parallel. You can also do the movement with a jump, in which case you jump in the upper position with your feet together and again down to the crotch.
2. Dragon squat
Bring your arms toward the ceiling, your sides long; this way, the position stays good during the squat, and you don't get to lean forward. Take turns squatting step squats backwards. Do the movement with thought, focusing on activating the buttocks. If you want, you can directly use the weight to bring additional power.
3. Hip lifts
The starting position is hunched back, hands next to the sides, weight on the heels and heels close to the butt. From here, lift in such a way that the weight stays more on the heel and thus it is easier to direct the movement to the feeling in the buttock. You can make the movement more effective by doing it one leg at a time, with the other leg pointing towards the ceiling.
4. Leg lift and rotation in the squatting position
Raise the leg in a squat position, squeezing the butt, rotate over the other leg and return. Do the movement in a controlled manner, focusing on the gluteal muscles. Additional power for this movement can be obtained, for example, from an ankle weight or a resistance rubber band.
5. Leg lifts and push-ups while lying on your back
Lift your legs at the same time, squeezing your buttocks while lying on your back so that your front thighs come off the base a little and tap your heels together at the top. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Good training!
- Tags: Susan Hakala